Attendance Policy


All students enrolled in the Christian County Public Schools district, between the ages of six (6) and eighteen (18) shall be in regular attendance, in the schools to which they are assigned, and shall be subject to the Kentucky Compulsory Attendance Laws.

Seven (7) Valid Reasons for Excused Absences

The Kentucky Compulsory Attendance Laws, KRS 159.010 and KRS 159.180, states the parent/guardian is responsible for keeping his/her child in regular school attendance.

The Christian County Board of Education has approved the following Seven (7) valid reasons Christian County Public Schools will approve for excused absences:

  1. Illness of pupil
  2. Death in the family
  3. Appointment with a health professional (for student only)
  4. Driver's test (A statement from driver's test administrator must be presented for the student to be excused for a reasonable amount of time.)
  5. Court order (A statement from the court system must be presented for the student to be excused for a reasonable amount of time.)
  6. One day for the attendance of the Kentucky State Fair
  7. Other valid reasons as determined by the principal

Absences Grades K-12

Notes from parents/guardians shall be accepted, and absences shall be excused for up to six (6) days only for the seven (7) valid reasons listed above. Illness accompanied by a health professional's statement will not be counted as one of the six (6) days.

Procedures for Student Absences

  1. A student who is absent must bring a note signed by his/her parent/guardian or a health professional stating the reason for the absence.
  2. A student who is absent must provide a note within a time period not to exceed five (5) days from the date the student returns to school or the absence will be unexcused. The parent/guardian is responsible to ensure that the note is turned in to the school attendance office. If the note is sent by the parent/guardian through the student, the parent/guardian is encouraged to follow-up with the attendance clerk to verify receipt.
  3. A health professional's statement will be accepted for the student's personal illness only or for a severe illness in the home.
  4. Students on school-sponsored trips are counted present and are responsible for make-up work.
  5. Court appearances are excused if signed by the judge or the clerk of the court for a reasonable amount of time.
  6. Request for an excused absence other than those stated in this provision of the Code of Acceptable Behavior & Discipline must be made in advance to the principal.
  7. When the school notifies a parent/guardian a student is sick and should be picked up, absence for the remainder of that day shall be excused without the necessity of a parent/medical note. In the event there are subsequent absences a parent/medical note will be required for those absences to be excused. The school nurse and the attendance clerk shall communicate regarding these absent events.
  8. Contact the school to request make-up work for your student.

15 or more Unexcused Absences

  1. Students who have (15) or more unexcused days and/or unexcused tardies will not be allowed to participate in baccalaureate commencement (graduation) exercises.  
  2. Students who have (15) or more unexcused days and/or unexcused tardies will not be able to attend prom as a junior or senior or attend as a guest as a freshmen or sophomore.
  3. Students who have (15) or more unexcused days and/or unexcused tardies will not be able to attend project graduation as a graduate or as the guest of a graduate.
  4. The above mentioned stipulations in items 1-3 are in addition to consequences for violating the Kentucky Compulsory Attendance Laws, KRS 150.010 and KRS 159.180, and other consequences under the Code of Acceptable Behavior & Discipline.

NOTE: In reference to unexcused tardies mentioned in items 1-3 above three (3) unexcused tardies are equal to one (1) unexcused absence. Unexcused tardies would be defined as checking in late to school without turning in a parent/guardian note or medical excuse, and checking out of school early without turning in a parent/guardian note or medical excuse when the student returns to school. A tardy event is an absence of 60 minutes or less of the school day.

15 or more Unexcused Absences Appeal Process

  • Step One
    Appeal the 15 or more Unexcused Absences notification to the school administrator/designee who notified the student. Deliver or mail the written appeal notification to the school administrator/designee within three (3) school days after the first (1st) day of the notification. The administrator will review the appeal and attendance records. A written decision will be mailed to the parent/guardian within (5) five school days. A copy of the student/guardian appeal letter and the administrator's decision shall also be provided to the Director of Pupil Personnel.

  • Step Two
    If the appeal is denied by the school administrator/designee the student/parent/guardian may appeal to the Office of Pupil Personnel at the Christian County Board of Education, 200 Glass Avenue, Hopkinsville, KY  42240.  Please contact the Office of Pupil Personnel at 270-887-7000. The appeal must be made in writing and mailed or delivered within three (3) school days of the day the student/parent/guardian receives an answer from the school administrator. The district advisory committee will review the appeal and attendance records. A written decision will be mailed within (5) five school days.

  • Step Three
    If your appeal is denied by the Office of Pupil Personnel District Advisory Committee the student/parent/guardian may appeal to the Christian County Board of Education Board Members at the Christian County Board of Education, 200 Glass Avenue, Hopkinsville, KY  42240.  The appeal must be made in writing and mailed or delivered within (3) school days of the day the student/parent/guardian receives an answer from the Office of Pupil Personnel. The Christian County Board of Education board members will review the appeal and attendance records.  A written decision will be mailed within (5) school days after the next meeting the board members are scheduled to convene.

15 or more Unexcused Absences Notifications after May 1

Appeals regarding the 15 or more Unexcused Absences notifications received from the student/parent/guardian on or after May 1 will be submitted to the school administrator/designee within three (3) school days after the first (1st) day of notification.  The administrator will review the appeal and the attendance records.  A written decision will be will be mailed to the parent/guardian within (5) five school days. A copy of the student/parent/guardian appeal letter and the administrator's decision shall also be provided to the Director of Pupil Personnel.  Due to the time sensitivity of prom, baccalaureate, graduation and project graduation, appeals submitted on or after May 1 will be appealed only to the administrator. The administrator's decision is the final decision.

Student's School Campus Driving Privileges

Christian County Public Schools' students who have a valid driver's license are afforded the privilege to drive to school in lieu of utilizing bus transportation.  The following are guidelines to define maintaining and loss of driving privileges while attending Christian County Public Schools:

  1. Students who have five (5) or less unexcused absences and/or unexcused tardies will maintain school campus driving privileges.
  2. Students who have six (6) to nine (9) unexcused absences and/or unexcused tardies will be suspended from driving on the school campus for two weeks (10 school days).
  3. Students who have ten (10) to fourteen (14) unexcused absences and/or unexcused tardies will be suspended from driving on the school campus for four weeks (20 school days).
  4. Students who have fifteen (15) or more unexcused absences and/or unexcused tardies will be suspended from driving on the school campus for the remainder of the school year (number of school days remaining in school year).
  5. The above mentioned stipulations in items 1-4 are in addition to consequences for violating the Kentucky Compulsory Attendance Laws, KRS 150.010, KRS 159.180, and the No Pass No Drive Law, KRS 159.051, and other consequences under the Code of Acceptable Behavior & Discipline.

In reference to unexcused tardies mentioned in items 1-4 above three (3) unexcused tardies are equal to one (1) unexcused absence. Unexcused tardies would be defined as checking in late to school without turning in a parent/guardian note or medical excuse, and checking out of school early without turning in a parent/guardian note or medical excuse when the student returns to school. A tardy event is an absence of 60 minutes or less of the school day. 

The school administrator/designee will notify the students of the suspended dates of on campus driving privileges.  The suspension will begin the next school day after notification.  Transportation will be provided for students by Christian County Public Schools with the exception of students who are attending out of their school attendance zone.  The transportation of students who are attending our of their school attendance zone based on approved grandfathered-in status or an approved hardship remains the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Students who are attending in their school attendance zone and choose not to utilize transportation provided by Christian County Public Schools the parent/guardian is responsible for their student's transportation.

A student notified of lost school campus driving privileges in item 2 or 3 and attempts to continue to drive on the school campus does not comply with the notification will lose on school campus driving privileges for the remainder of the school year (number of school days remaining in the school year).

The parent/guardian will be notified by the building administrator to provide an opportunity for the parent/guardian to remove vehicle from school property to meet notification requirements.  After the building administrator collaborates with the parent/guardian, if the student continues to violate the notification on the following school day, the student's vehicle may be towed at the owner's expense.

Make-up Work

  1. All work missed shall be made up by the student when he/she is absent from school.
  2. Students are responsible for meeting due dates on all long-term projects or assignments unless an exception is approved due to an emergency or extenuating circumstances.
  3. Each Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) council shall adopt a policy to address credit for missed assignments.

Check-In Procedures

  1. Students in grade levels K-8 must have an adult sign the Check-In log when tardy to school.
  2. Students in grade levels 9-12 may sign the Check-In log when tardy to school.
  3. An unexcused check-in or check-out may result in a consequence under the Code of Acceptable Behavior & Discipline for skipping or other applicable offenses as determined by the building principal.
  4. After a student in grade levels 9-12 accumulates 3 unexcused tardies to school, the school administrator and/or DPP has the discretion to require a parent/guardian to sign Check-In Log when tardy to school.
  5. Students checking in for any reason other than the seven (7) valid reasons for absence will be unexcused, unless special permission has been granted by the school's administration
  6. A student who checks in must bring a note signed by his/her parent/guardian or a health professional stating the reason for the absence(s).

Check-Out Procedures

  1. Students eighteen (18) years or older may check themselves in or out; however, the absence may be excused or unexcused as determined by the building principal or designee.  An unexcused check-in or check-out may result in a consequence under the Code of Acceptable Behavior & Discipline for skipping or other applicable offenses as determined by the building principal.
  2. Students checking out for any reason other than the seven (7) valid reasons for absence will be unexcused, unless special permission has been granted by the school's administration.
  3. A student under the age of eighteen (18) years may only be checked out of school by the parent/guardian and by adults who have been listed on the Emergency Contact and Check-Out Consent Form. Photo ID's will be required and any other person checking out a student.
  4. A student who checks out must bring a note signed by his/her parent/guardian or a health professional stating the reason for the absence(s).
  5. When a student is checked-out a parent/guardian must sign the Check-Out Log.

College or Career Days

Requests for college or career days must be made ten (10) days in advance to the principal. Students will be counted present for one day and responsible for make-up work.

Medical Records Requirement

If medical records required by Kentucky law are not given to the schools by the mandated dates, the student may not be allowed to attend school until required documents are provided.  These absences will be counted as unexcused absences and could eventually lead to truancy being filed against the parent/guardian.

Lice Policy

Christian County has a "no live lice" policy.  If the student has chronic/reoccurring head lice, any days missed after the first time the student is sent home will be unexcused. The principal may use discretion when making a decision concerning absences.

Military Leave

  1. Armed Force Day (AFD)  If a student's parent, de facto custodian or other person with legal custody or control of the student is a member of the United States Armed Forces, including a member of a state National Guard or a Reserve component called to federal active duty, a public school principal shall give the student an excused absence for one day when the member is deployed and an additional excused absence for one day when the service member returns from deployment.

  2. Armed Forces Rest and Relaxation (AFR) A public school principal shall give the student excused absences for up to ten (10) days for visitation when the member is stationed out of the country and is granted rest and recuperation leave. Parent(s)/Guardian shall complete the proper documentation prior to the absence. Documentation shall be on file for students taking an AFD day(s) and AFR day(s). If no documentation exists, student must be marked absent.

  3. Block Leave (BL) Christian County Public Schools will grant up to five (5) days of excused absences for the student of a parent/guardian who has a deployment less than twelve (12) months after the deployment ended. The parent/guardian will present the memorandum provided by the Commander at time of approval. Parent(s)/Guardian shall complete the proper documentation prior to the absence. If proper documentation is not presented prior to the absence it will be marked unexcused.

  4. Ordinary Leave (E) Christian County Public Schools will grant excused absences for ordinary leave based on the Kentucky Compulsory Attendance Laws, KRS 159.010 and 159.080 which state that the parent/guardian is responsible for keeping his/her child in regular school attendance. These excused absences covered under the six (6) parent notes for the seven (7) valid reasons approved by The Christian County Board of Education.  Ordinary leave does not warrant any additional excused absences.

  5. Emergency Leave (EL) Emergency Leave will be accompanied with Red Cross Documentation. The parent/guardian may be asked to provide a service program or other relevant documentation to validate the absence.  Please provide the documentation upon the first day of the students return after leave.

Educational Enhancement Opportunities (EHO)

KRS 159.035 (s)

A student may be allowed up to ten (10) days per school year to participate in an educational enhancement opportunity that the principal determines to be of significant educational value.  Participation in an educational foreign exchange program or an intensive instructional program in one of the core curriculum subjects of English, science, mathematics, social studies, foreign language or the arts could be considered an educational enhancement opportunity.  Days on which students have been approved by the principal to participate in such an opportunity will be included in aggregate daily attendance.  During an Attendance Review, Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) staff will request documentation of the principal approval of EHO days.



Identify any public school student, who has not reached his/her twenty-first birthday, who has been absent from school without a valid excuse for three (3) or more days or tardy without a valid excuse on three (3) or more days as truant; identify as a habitual truant a student who has been reported as truant two (2) or more times; hold a public school student who has attained the age of eighteen, but who has not reached his/her twenty-first birthday, accountable if the student fails to comply with truancy laws; hold the parent, guardian, custodian of a public school student who has not reached his/her eighteenth (18th)birthday accountable if the student fails to comply with school truancy laws; hold the court-appointed guardian of a public school student who has not reached his/her twenty-first (21st) birthday, accountable if the student fails to comply with school truancy laws; require school district personnel to inform students, parents, guardians, and custodians of the penalties for violating school truancy laws; identify as a habitual truant a student who has been reported as truant two(2) or more times.

Any child who has been absent from school without a valid excuse for three (3) days, or tardy to school on three (3) or more days, is a truant.  Any child who has been reported as truant two (2) or more times is a habitual truant.  Being absent for less than half a school day shall be regarded as being tardy. Three (3) unexcused tardies are equal to one (1) unexcused absence. An absence will be calculated on an exact percentage of the day rather than in half-day or whole-day increments. Events will be assigned when a student is absent for more than sixty (60) minutes of the school day.


Principals or their designee shall follow these procedures regarding truancy:

  • Step One-After the second (2nd) unexcused absence:
  1. Designated school personnel shall have a conference with the student and document the conference on the conference form provided by the Office of Pupil Personnel.
  2. Parent/guardian shall be notified by telephone or in writing.  A record of this notification shall be kept on file.

  • Step Two-After the fourth (4th) unexcused absence:
  1. Designated school personnel shall contact the parent/guardian and document the contact on the conference form.
  2. The completed conference form shall be turned in to the Attendance Specialist after the fourth (4th) unexcused absence.
  3. Parent/guardian shall be notified by telephone or in writing.  A record of the conference shall be kept on file.

  • Step Three-When five (5) unexcused absences occur:
  1. The Attendance Specialist shall contact the parent/guardian and schedule a conference serving as an intervention.
  2. If the parent/guardian fails to attend the scheduled conference habitual truancy charges may be filed.
  3. The Director of Pupil Personnel or designee shall initiate a legal petition against parent/guardian and/or student for habitual truancy as required by law (KRS 159.150, KRS 159.180) when six (6) unexcused absences occur.


A student who has reached his/her eighteenth (18th) birthday is, by law, considered an adult, and is, therefore, no longer under the jurisdiction of the laws pertaining to juveniles. Principals or designees shall follow the following procedures regarding eighteen (18) years of age or older students and truancy:

Step One-After the second (2nd) unexcused absence:

  1. Designated school personnel shall have a conference with the student eighteen (18) years of age or older and document the conference on the conference form provided by the Office of Pupil Personnel.
  2. The student eighteen (18) years of age or older shall sign and receive a copy of the conference form. A record of this notification shall be kept on file.

Step Two-After the fourth (4th) unexcused absence:

  1. Designated school personnel shall contact the student eighteen (18) years of age or older and document the contact on the conference form.
  2. The student eighteen (18) years of age or older shall sign and receive a copy of the conference form.  A record of this notification shall be kept on file.
  3. The completed conference form shall be turned in to the Director of Pupil Personnel after the fourth (4th) unexcused absence.

Step Three-When five (5) unexcused absences occur:

  1. The Director of Pupil Personnel shall contact the student eighteen (18) years old or older and schedule a conference serving as an intervention.
  2. The required truancy intervention conference will be scheduled at a date and time designated by the Director of Pupil Personnel.
  3. The school administrator and/or the Director of Pupil Personnel after the 6th unexcused absence has the discretion to revoke privileges of the student eighteen (18) years  older to participate in extracurricular and/or co-curricular activities unless the student meets requirements to participate in the event.  Examples of revocable activities may include, but not limited to, school dances, ballgames etc...
  4. The Director of Pupil Personnel or designee may initiate a legal petition through the Christian County County Attorney's Office against eighteen (18) years old or older student if he/she accumulates 6 unexcused absences and/or tardies.


Students who are academically deficient, drop-out of school, or accumulate nine (9) or more unexcused absences in the preceding semester, will have their driver's license revoked. Academic and attendance deficiencies for students sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) enrolled in regular, alternative, optional, CCDTC, part-time, and special education shall be defined as followed:

  • They shall be deemed academically deficient if they have not received passing grades in at least four (4) courses, or the equivalent of four (4) courses, taken in the preceding semester.
  • They shall be deemed deficient in attendance when they drop out of school or accumulate nine (9) unexcused absences in class/classes for the preceding semester. Suspensions shall be considered unexcused absences.

The chart below indicates the number of classes that must be passed to keep/obtain a driver's license/permit.

Courses Per Semester






Courses Students Need to Pass